News & Events
A Selah School District Board of Directors Study Session is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, beginning at 7:00 a.m. in the Board Room.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 28, as Selah Superintendent Kevin McKay hosts a community roundtable to bring parent and patron voices together.
Points of Pride
VFW Awards!
Daphne Templet 1st, Alexis Vinsant 2nd, and Alayna Applegate 3rd - and Mr. Mattson received the Teacher of the year award!
Selah Educators Honored with State Awards!
Heather Gamache Honored with WA-ACTE Teacher of the Year Award
Maggie Uceny Recognized as Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher of the Year Award
Longtime Selah Educator, Kathi Hendrix, Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award
We Thank Our School Administrators!
Selah School District celebrated National Principals Appreciation Month. In acknowledging our building administrators for their leadership and commitment to cultivating quality and equitable learning environments, we have some thank-you celebrations to share.
Board Oaths Taken, Officers Selected
At the December 14 School Board Meeting, three members took the official oath of office for service in their upcoming terms, as well as board leadership selections were held.