Welcome to SMS Counseling
Our Mission as school counselors are to provide a comprehensive guidance program that will assist all students in acquiring the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to become effective students, responsible citizens, productive workers and lifelong learners.
The comprehensive student counseling program is an integral part of the school's total program with a commitment to individual uniqueness, an understanding of multicultural diversity and the maximum development of human potential.
The program addresses the personal/social, educational and career needs of all students. The program's ultimate goal is for students to graduate with the competencies necessary to be able to make self-directed, realistic and responsible decisions and be successful contributors to society.
What Can My School Counselor Help Me With?
- Brief solution focused individual counseling
- Social development
- Classroom guidance
- Crisis response
- Organization
- Study skills
- Communication skills
- Mental Health referrals
- Drug/Alcohol referrals
- Student driven scheduling
What Can My Family Services Coordinator Help Me With?
- McKinney Vento assistance
- Home visits for SMS
- Food assistance
- Clothing referral
- Housing referrals
- Connecting families to community agencies
For more information please visit our Family Service Pages
What Can My Student Assistance Professional Help Me With?
- Addiction education
- Nicotine cessation
- Poly substance use
- Affected by others support
- Substance use group sessions
- Substance use individual sessions
Krista Doll
Counselor (A-G)
T. 509-698-8406
Heidi Moultray
Counselor (H-O)
Chris Yergen
Counselor (P-Z)
Juan Garcia
Family Services Coordinator
Mandisa West
Student Assistance Professional